

  • 报告ID: GVR2144
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由于屋顶行业的需求不断增加,全球沥青膜市场预计将在预测期内增长。沥青膜被设计用于商业和住宅建筑的保护。它们是由高粘性、粘性和防水的有机液体制成的。沥青膜被用作近平或平屋顶的屋顶系统,以避免任何泄漏和转移屋顶的水。沥青膜广泛应用于防潮、防水、密封、防锈、接缝和裂缝填充等领域。它们有各种应用程序类型,包括APP、SBS和SEBS。APP(无规聚丙烯)改性沥青是一种塑性沥青,在沥青内部形成均匀的周围物质。沥青通过提高其在低温下的灵活性和对有害紫外线的抵抗力来提高沥青的性能。APP改性沥青片通常使用丙烷燃料炬。涂抹者通过在薄片底部加热来润滑改性沥青。 The bottom surface of the sheet becomes a molten adhesive, which easily flows upon the substrate and cools down to form a waterproof adhesive bond. Some APP sheets are also applied with the use of cold-process adhesives. SBS (Styrene- Butadiene- Styrene) on the other hand is a type of elastic asphalt which improves the resistance power of bitumen towards weathering and aging and provides it with rubber like characteristics. The Increasing demand for roll roofing is the key driver responsible for the growth of the global bitumen membranes market. Underlayments made from bitumen membranes are increasingly used for the construction of shake, shingle, and tile steep-slope roofs. Bitumen felt underlayment is prepared by saturating inorganic or organic felts with oxidized or straight-run saturant. These products are expected to augment market growth over the projected period. These membranes are modified and utilized for preparing various other roofing products such as polymer modified bitumen membranes and oxidized bitumen membranes.

聚合物改性沥青膜是由热塑性聚合物与氧化沥青或直道沥青和矿物填料集成而成。这种混合物被聚酯垫或玻璃纤维覆盖。由这些产品制成的防水系统由具有基本基板的聚合物改性沥青板组成。这些薄片是在工地上用层压在一起的。在欧洲,当建造紧凑型屋顶系统时,聚合物改性屋顶膜应用于耐温保温板上。氧化沥青膜是用石灰石矿物填料和氧化沥青的混合物涂在玻璃纤维上制备的。得到的混合物作为成品包装成卷。在北美,这些产品是用矿物颗粒表面制成的,被称为滚屋顶。在欧洲,氧化沥青膜被用作屋顶产品的部件,如粘土瓦或石板屋顶。沥青膜屋面比普通的砾石和沥青平屋面有许多优点。 In gravel and asphalt applications, it is very difficult to form proper seals at all connection points and seams. This results in early leakage of roofs and involves high maintenance costs. Their repair and maintenance process is difficult also since it is hard to locate the exact points of leakages. Bitumen membranes roofing system on the other hand finds it easier to locate these points and rectify it efficiently. This factor is expected to drive the bitumen membranes market growth over the forecast period.

北美和欧洲是最大的沥青膜市场,因为在这些地区的主要屋顶系统中使用了大量的沥青产品。目前全球沥青膜市场的主要参与者包括壳牌沥青、埃克森美孚、瓦莱罗能源公司、Icopal、Bauder集团和Nynas AB。壳牌沥青销售其品牌Shell Flintkote,这是一种防水沥青膜,旨在为商业和住宅建筑提供保护。Shell Flintkote产品用于各种应用,包括防水潮湿区域,如厨房,浴室和厕所。它也用于防水金属屋顶,混凝土结构,钢铁厂和钢铁厂。Bauder集团是一家总部位于欧洲的生产防水膜的公司,为不同的项目提供广泛的苯乙烯丁二烯苯乙烯(SBS)改性沥青基解决方案。他们的目标是生产具有较强的耐老化和耐候性以及低温灵活性的产品,以适应北欧的气候条件。Bauder的产品包括沥青衬垫,盖板和蒸汽控制层。








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